If you haven't worked remotely yourself, or worked with other people who work remotely, you might not know that it can be extremely difficult, and that misunderstandings can abound.
When we work on site, we take it for granted that we can speak to people face to face. We watch their facial expressions and body language. And we talk about what we did over the weekend, where we're planning to go for our next holiday, and which pets or kids are sick. It's second nature. We do all these things wi...
Learning to listen
This year one of my goals is to learn more about social media. It's not something I've been exposed to in a work capacity, apart from searching blogs for answers to tech writing implementation problems. So I've started a couple of blogs, this one and a personal one, joined Facebook, and signed up for Twitter. And this past weekend I attended my first Wordcamp, a one day conference for WordPress users.
I learned all sorts of valuable things, such as the basics of securing your site (don't leav...